> Pro Ambassadors – Bondi Band

Pro Ambassadors

Meet our Pro Ambassadors! These are elite athletes, bloggers and everyday people who represent the Bondi Band brand to our digital community. We encourage you to follow them on their social media platforms to stay up to date on our products as well as their stories.



Nicole Justice - Professional Obstacle Course Race Athlete

What is your favorite Bondi Band product? My favorite product is the 3" headbands, especially the patriotic headbands :) I live in these headbands, not even kidding!

What is your sport/activity of choice? My sport is professional obstacle course racing and I'm beginning to dabble in American Ninja Warrior training, as well!

Favorite race you’ve ever done? My favorite race I've ever done was in Miami, FL because it was essentially a vacation run (haha!)

Favorite song to workout to? For my workouts, I absolutely love hip-hop and trap rap music, as well as EDM. I played violin for 15 years, so I enjoy listening to classical music at home in my downtime.

What/Who inspires you most? I'm incredibly inspired by the entire OCR community because it is the one sport where your competition is also your biggest supporters. Never have I been a part of such a supportive and encouraging group of incredibly talented athletes and I love it. I'm continuously inspired by the Spartan Pros to reach and push myself harder each and every day.

Name a moment you felt your strongest. The moment I felt the strongest was when I realized that all of my hard work in the gym paid off during my races. Believe it not, in my first Spartan race, I failed the rope climb because I was never taught proper technique. It felt really great in my next race (and all of my following races) to climb the rope with ease after learning the appropriate technique. I actually have won a few festival challenges at Spartan events for most rope climbs in a minute! :) There is no better feeling than to turn a once weakness into a new found strength.

Tell us something fun about yourself! I'm a complete joker and nerd. I love cracking jokes and being sarcastic because we only live once, so I love to make the best of it. I'm always down for a good laugh and I'm always wearing a smile! In addition, I'm a complete nerd. I'm a full-time student, studying to become a surgeon right now--so, when I'm not out training or racing, my nose is in the books :)

Follow Nikki on instagram @nikkijusticefit







Philip Justice - Professional Obstacle Course Race Athlete


What is your favorite Bondi Band product? Definitely the headbands although, the armbands with pockets for credit cards and phones are a close second!

What is your sport/activity of choice? I am an elite/pro obstacle course racer (mainly Spartan races with some Savage races.) Also, I do run some road races (for training.) I enjoy climbing/hiking and mostly any activity that involves fitness, activity or water :)

Favorite race you’ve ever done? My favorite race to date was this years NBC National Championship Race #3 at Palmerton, PA on Blue Mountain (7/9/17.) Despite this being my worst finish in a pro-race, my wife (Nikki) and I both "Coined" in this race which means we placed well enough to qualify us for the World Championship Race! It was so awesome to coin together! Now our goal is to both podium in the same race (which almost happened in a Florida Spartan race in December.)

Favorite song to workout to? Lately, I haven't use music when I workout. When I do, I enjoy a "Trap Rap" due to the fast and catchy beats (Usually gets you pumped!)

What/Who inspires you most? I am most inspired by my fellow OCR athletes (spartan pro teams) that have accomplished much despite whatever adversity they have gone through.

Name a moment you felt your strongest. I felt my strongest on my first spartan win when I lead the entire race by myself uncontested. That finish was so sweet, and it made all the work I put in worth it.

Tell us something fun about yourself! I am really a goofball! I love to have fun and get along well with everyone. I enjoy being around people and love encouraging others to meet their goals whatever that goal may be! I am also a spontaneous person who will plan a trip or change plans to do something fun with a group of people in an instant!


Follow Phil on Instagram @justiceleaguefit